The Alpaufzug
The alpine summer really starts with the Aufalpung. On the so-called "Aufalpung" weekend, the farmers from the Blatten-Belalp region lead their Eringer cows up to the Belalp. Every year, many enthusiastic spectators marvel at the beautiful animals and actively cheer on the cow fights. After the Eringer cows have been brought to the Chiematte Belalp, the program includes a field service followed by the blessing of the animals. Afterwards the cow fights of the Eringer start.
The whole event will be accompanied by music and on this special day the gondolas will run continuously from 9:00 - 17:00. (Only with good weather!)
The Alpaufzug 2025 will take place on June 7, 2025.
Blatten-Belalp. Naturally beautiful. Simply magical. #blattenbelalp #magicbelalp