© Blatten-Belalp Tourismus, Blatten-Belalp Tourismus

Hiking tour Salwald-Brischeru

  • start: Salwald
  • destination: Salwald

The hike begins leisurely in the Salwald above Mund and first leads to the settlement of Chaschtler. From Chaschtler, the actual ascent to Alpe Brischeru then begins. Look back from time to time and take a look at the Valais mountains.

Once you arrive at Brischeru, a panorama opens up from the Dents du Midi to the Goms. Enjoy the view of the mighty Fletschhorn, the Mischabel group, the Matterhorn and the radiant Weisshorn.

Take a well-deserved break here before starting the descent to Salwald on the east side of Brischeru.

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