
Bike Park

Bike Skills Park Hexenland

The Skills Park is a paradise for mountain bikers and offers a variety of exciting trails and facilities for riders of all ages and riding levels.

The Skills Park is characterised by its varied and technically demanding trails, which have been specially developed for mountain bikers. From flowing single trails to lively jumps and challenging rocky tracks, the park offers a wide range of options to get the adrenaline pumping and improve biking skills.

One of the highlights of the Skills Park are the various jumps and drops, which are suitable for both beginners and experienced riders. These features allow bikers to test their skills in the air and learn new tricks.

Whether you're an experienced biker looking for new challenges or a beginner looking to improve your skills, the Skills Park on the Belalp offers a unique and exciting biking experience. It's a place where you can test your limits, learn new tricks and have fun together with like-minded people.

Blatten-Belalp. Naturally beautiful. Simply magical.
#blattenbelalp #magicbelalp

Welcome to the realm of Vero - Häxuland

Here you can learn all the important riding skills you need to become a good mountain biker. At Vero, there are five different tests to "ride through" (green, blue, red, black and orange).

If you can safely master the red level, you are ready for the Häxutrail (Route 157) and Nesselloop (Route 158) trails!

Please observe the Mountain Bike Code.


  1. Green Herbs - length: 170 m
    The easiest trail in Häxuland. You can warm up and familiarise yourself with the mountain bike over easy, flat and undulating meadow passages. You will gain the first skills for your mountain bike skills here. The next challenges in Häxuland are already waiting!
  2. In the valley of stones - length: 80 m
    Vero wasn't very careful when practising with the magic wand and set stones rolling, which you now have to skilfully ride around and over. The trail runs in two different lines between large rocks. You can also test your riding skills on stony ground on the "Rock Roller".
  3. Häxu Drops - length: 40 m
    Whether larger stones on natural trails or built elements, small and larger steps - so-called "drops" - can be found on practically all trails. On the Drop Line, you can practise these at different heights so that you are optimally prepared for these situations on the trail. Take note of the tips and tricks at the start ramp.
  4. Snake trail - length: 220 m
    To get back to the start, you have to pedal up the six bends of the snake trail to the start. Behind the covered magic carpet, the big Häxubäsu awaits you.
  5. Shortcut for master students - length: 35 m
    If you want to get back to the start faster and more directly, you can shorten the snake path twice. However, it also gets steeper and more technical!
  6. The bewitched eye of the needle - length: 115 m
    Being able to move your rear wheel with the help of the front brake and an active torso movement is a must-have on many trails. The increasingly tighter curve radii help you to get used to such situations step by step.
  7. The insidious rock garden - length: 90 m
    Rock gardens are a recurring feature on trails and add some spice to the riding. With two different lines (red and black), you can practise rolling over rocks and line selection.
  8. The magical Häxu Jumps - length: 160 m
    What would Häxuland be without the opportunity to learn to fly? The mountain bike becomes your broom on the Häxu Jumps! On the blue line on the left, you can try your hand at jumping. The red line on the right offers a lot more air time. The jumps are also great for practising tricks and jumping transfers.
  9. Magic Rock - length: 20 m
    The most difficult test awaits on the terrifying Magic Rock. Only experts should attempt this one. A steep wooden ramp leads you up. As soon as you reach the top, it's just as steep down again. Take a look at the magic rock before you conquer it on your mountain bike.

    Häxutrail Bike
    Length: 6.9 km | Duration: 35 min
    Official route no. 158 from Mountainbikeland Schweiz.

    The Häxutrail takes you through forests and over hill and dale from Belalp to Blatten. Most of the varied route has been newly created for bike use.

    Nesselloop Bike
    Length: 11.5 km | Duration: 55 min
    Official route no. 157 from Mountainbikeland Schweiz.

    The Nesselloop leads from Belalp via Nesselalp to Birgisch and awaits bike enthusiasts with a fantastic panorama of the Valais mountains and an exciting route!


Difficulty levels - International Trail Rating System (ITRS)
Beginner (green circle)
Very easy and clear trails. No obstacles.
Intermediate / advanced (blue square)
Easy trails with various playful obstacles such as stone slabs, small jumps and rolling ledges.
Advanced (red triangle)
Technical trails with roots and stones, steeper sections and jumps may occur.
Expert (black square)
Difficult trails with non-rollable steps, tight bends and larger jumps.
Pro (orange double square)
Very difficult technical passages, technical and large jumps.

Tips and tricks
If you follow these tips and tricks as a beginner, you'll find it easy to enter the world of Häxuland:

  • Gain the necessary confidence on the Grüne Kräuter trail first.
    After that, you can work your way up to the next difficulty levels step by step (blue - red - black - orange).
  • Always ride downhill standing up
  • Leave the saddle all the way down
  • Use the front and rear brakes gently and evenly
  • No sudden braking manoeuvres

Mountain bike code on the Belalp

No normal playground

  • Only use the trails on a mountain bike.
  • Please do not climb or do gymnastics on the trails and obstacles

Protect yourself

  • Wear a helmet, goggles, gloves and other protective equipment
  • Maintain your bike regularly
Stay on the trail
  • Don't take any shortcuts
  • Ride the trails only in the signposted direction
Care for the environment
  • Be considerate of animals and plants
  • Ride the trails only in the signposted direction. plants
  • Close fence passages
Don't leave any tracks
  • Avoid blocked bikes
  • Take your rubbish with you
Know your limits
  • Ride with concentration and foresight
  • Adapt your speed to the situation and your ability


Due to the snow, the Bike Skills Park Hexenland is still closed!


Bike Skills Park Hexenland
3914 Belalp

Good to know

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