Avalanche training centre
The Avalanche Training Centre ATC is a stationary facility for practising avalanche victim searches with avalanche transceivers and avalanche probes. The transmitters, which are buried in the search field, send the same signals as an avalanche transceiver. The remote-controlled transmitters can be activated randomly (practice mode) or manually (expert mode) at the control centre. With these options, simple and complex burial scenarios, especially multiple burials, can be practised.
The Avalanche Training Centre ATC is a stationary facility for practising avalanche victim searches with avalanche transceivers and avalanche probes. The transmitters, which are buried in the search field, send the same signals as an avalanche transceiver. The remote-controlled transmitters can be activated randomly (practice mode) or manually (expert mode) at the control centre. With these options, simple and complex burial scenarios, especially multiple burials, can be practised.